Tradblogs is proud to present a review of 2013's top eleven events.
Without further ado, in no particular order:
Bishop Fellay's April 15th Doctrinal Declaration
Originally submitted to Rome on April
15th 2012, in March of 2013 the “AFD” was leaked to
the public. Notably, the AFD accepted the Novus Ordo Missae as
legitimately promulgated. The AFD has been well examined and
analyzed by several priests (see here and here), Bishop Williamson, and there are also
some helpful lay comments and insights to be found on the various
trad forums. The AFD was instrumental in garnering and cultivating support for the
SSPX Resistance.
Growing Resistance
While many of the major names (at least
in the American Resistance) had already parted ways or been expelled
from the NSSPX (+Williamson, Frs Pfeiffer, Hewko et al.) in 2012, the
dissent has markedly grown in 2013.
-Declaration of Fr. Arizaga
-Declaration of Fr. Trauner
-Fr Girouard's Open Letter
-Letter of the thirty-seven Frenchpriests to +Fellay
-Commemoration of the 25th
Anniversary of the 1988 consecrations and subsequent declaration.
-The establishment of mass centers
throughout the US
-Opening of Our Lady of Mt CarmelSeminary in Boston, KY
-Opening of San Jose Monastery in
-Many other instances of growth
organized chronologically here.
Fr Pinaud's unjust trial and detainment
An event likely unknown or overlooked
by many Catholics, Fr. Pinaud (one of the thirty-seven priests
responsible for the open letter tto +Fellay) was subjected to a
despicable spygame wherein Fr. Waillez (District Superior of Belgium)
not only attempted to assume the identity of Fr. Pinaud by creating
an email account in his name but also hacked into Fr. Pinaud's email
to read his correspondences, for the purpose of confirming that
Pinaud was a dissenter.
Fr Pinaud was subsequently detained for
trial, which, under the supervision of + Fellay and Frs. Wuilloud,
Petrucci and Quilton decided that “... we condemn Father PINAUD to
a medicinal punishment of suspension of all acts by removing both the
power of order and the power of jurisdiction (can. 2278 ss. CIC-17
and 1333 CIC-83). The lifting of this censure should be reserved
according to law (can. 2245 CIC-17 and 1355 CIC-83).”
This is a clear and blatant usurpation
of the Church's authority by a sacramental bishop and priests under
his care, none of which enjoy the jurisdiction to hold an ecclesiastical trial, much less to actually inflict penalties. We must remark in shock and disdain at the
arrogance and hubris on the part of Fellay & co to appeal to
Canon Law (or, Conciliar Law) in their findings, as if they had any
authority whatsoever to enforce or employ it in the way they presume
to. This only contributes to the lamentable “parrelel churchism”
found within the traditional world.
For more information on this despicable affair please see: here, here and here (primary sources provided within links).
Fellay's Waffling
Ratzinger Resigns, Bergoglio Elected
Many centuries ago, popes infrequently resigned for the good of the Church -- whether they wanted to heal a schism or felt they were unqualified for the office from the start of their papacy. Although hinted at as a consideration on and off during the latter days of the John Paul II era, never before had the man in the Vatican cited health concerns as reason enough to warrant rescension of the Petrine ministry. But in a stunning announcement this past February, Joseph Ratzinger did just that, and officially resigned the office of the conciliar papacy at the month's conclusion. Two weeks later, the conciliar cardinals elected Jorge Bergoglio as Ratzinger's replacement; as Cardinal Bergoglio he was seen posing with Protestant in communicatio in sacris acatholicis and was knowingly photographed lighting a menorah at a Jewish event, the man had barely stepped out to see the crowd in St. Peter's Square that dark March 13th night when Trads were variously worried (at the scandal he could and probably would cause Catholics stuck in Novus Ordo Land) and overjoyed (at how much more clearly he could prove their theological stances), and "brick by brick" Ratzingerian hermeneuticists were ready to turn off their televisions and curl into balls on the floor.
"There is no Catholic God" and Arian-esque statements
The World Youth Day Beachball Bruhaha
Shortly before the public embrace by Fr. Paul Kramer of the opinion that Benedict XVI, and not Francis, is currently pope, that opinion (which was already held by a few a small number of semi-Trads) was set down as a new theory of papal identification formulated by one Alan Aversa:
sedebenediciplenism /sˌɛdɪbənɪdˈɪsɪplˌiːnɪzəm/ = the position where Benedict XVI is considered a true pope and Francis I is considered an anti-pope. Benedict XVI—initially not a true pope because of his leadership of the non-Catholic, schismatic Conciliar Church sect, although validly elected pope for the Catholic Church—became a true pope of the Catholic Church when he resigned his leadership role of the Conciliar Church on February 28, 2013. According to sedebenediciplenists, Benedict XVI did public penance for his ecumenical sins by promulgating Summorum Pontificum, un-"excommunicating" the SSPX bishops, disciplining LCWR and related groups, and supporting the SSPX; thus, he is no longer a heretic and can be and is a valid pope of the Catholic Church.
Since Mr. Aversa's initial formulation of the sedebenediciplenist position, the mutation of Fr. Kramer's variety has arisen which does not posit Johannine ff. sedevacantist as its starting point; rather, it recognizes the conciliar and postconciliar papal claimants as legitimate popes up through and including Benedict, merely stipulating that Benedict's resignation in February was invalid and as such he is still head of the (Conciliar) Church. Referring to reasons as disparate as duress ("He was pressured to resign! Death threats were made!") to faulty Latin in the resignation document itself ("Wrong tense here, declension there"), this brand of theory-supporter is further known as "sedebenediciplenist conciliar legitimists," whereas those who subscribe to Mr. Aversa's initial formulation are identified as "sedebenediciplenist conciliar illegitimists." As a shorthand, however, we propose the following development in the terminology: Aversan sedebene. (the original school of thought) and Kramerian sedebene. (the conciliar legitimist morphosis).
Francis & his condescension towards Trads (neo-pelagianism)
In rhetoric from early June which can only be described as baffling, Francis stated that a "Pelagian current" runs through the Church in "restorationist groups," i.e. Trad-leaning groups within the Conciliar Church. This is how St. Alphonsus Liguori, in his History of Heresies, describes the heresy of Pelagianism:
First.--That Adam and Eve were created mortal, and that their sin only hurt themselves, and not their posterity. Second.--Infants are now born in the same state that Adam was before his fall. Third.--Children dying without baptism, do not indeed go to heaven, but they posses eternal life. Such, St. Augustine testifies, were the errors of Pelagius. The principal error of Pelagius and his followers was, concerning Grace and Free-Will, for he asserted, that man, by the natural force of his free-will, could fulfill all the Divine precepts, conquer all temptations and passions, and arrive at perfection without the assistance of grace. (page 109)
As such, we call this rhetoric coming from Francis baffling because we have not seen it in Trad-leaning or even actually Trad groups. If anything, examing Francis and his likewise modernist retinue...
If Francis takes one breath to mischaracterize Trad-leaning groups, he takes another to mock them: on the very same occasion, he said "[ . . . ] when I was elected, I received a letter from one of these groups, and they said: 'Your Holiness, we offer you this spiritual treasure: 3,525 rosaries.' Why don't they say, 'we pray for you, we ask...', but this thing of counting..." Naturally padded with the phrase "not to laugh at it, I took it with respect" -- of course.
Francis took an even larger swipe against the Trad-leaning members of his religion in his "apostolic exhortation" Evangelium Gaudium, 93-97, this time accusing Trads of "neopelagianism" in paragraphs under a section titled "No to spiritual worldliness."
Francis Blasphemes the Blessed Virgin
Twice already Francis has blasphemed against the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the first instance, after likening Mary to the Church (good!) he went on to say that the Church has flaws (bad! embarrassingly bad! heretically bad!)
In the second instance, Francis harkened to John Paul II when he said of Mary at the Crucifixion that
The Gospel tells us nothing: if she said a word or not ... She was quiet, but in her heart - how much she said to the Lord! 'You told me then - that's what we have read - that He will be great. You told me that You would give him the throne of his father David, that he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And now I see Him there!' The Blessed Mother was human! And perhaps she would have wanted to say, 'lies! I have been cheated!'. John Paul II said this when he spoke of the Mother of God at one point. But she was overshadowed with the silence of the mystery that she did not understand, and with this silence, she has accepted that this mystery can grow and flourish in the hope.
Should the reader follow the provided link, he will see that for all the other heretical things John Paul II said, oddly enough that sentiment was not one of them.
Ecumenism of Blood
In mid-December, Francis coined a new term of his own: "Ecumenism of Blood." He discusses his theological novelty thus:
For me, ecumenism is a priority. Today, there's the ecumenism of blood. In some countries they kill Christians because they wear a cross or have a Bible, and before killing them they don't ask if they're Anglicans, Lutherans, Catholic or Orthodox. The blood is mixed. For those who kill, we're Christians. We're united in blood, even if among ourselves we still haven't succeeded in taking the necessary steps towards unity and perhaps the moment hasn't arrived. Unity is a grace that we have to ask for.
In Hamburg [Germany], I knew a pastor who was working on the beatification cause of a Catholic priest sent to the guillotine by the Nazis because he was teaching catechism to children. After him in the line-up of the condemned was a Lutheran pastor killed for the same reason. Their blood was mixed. The pastor told me he'd gone to his bishop and said to him: 'I'll continue to pursue the cause, but both of them together, not just the Catholic.' That's the ecumenism of blood. It exists today too, all you have to do is read the papers.
What we should take away from this: Francis believes a Lutheran pastor killed for teaching children a presumably Lutheran catechism is as meritorious as a Catholic priest murdered for teaching children a presumably Catholic catechism.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: +Williamson's planned acquisition of a priestly house, Fr Rioult's "The Impossible Reconciliation", Bergoglio earns "Person of the Year" from Time Magazine, the advancing "canonizations" of JPII and JXXIII,