From a post published on the Feast of St. Edward, King and Confessor
+ : Indicates a bishop (E.g., +Williamson).
+ + : Indicates an archbishop (E.g., + + Lefebvre).
ABL: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the SSPX.
AO: Ad Orientem, Latin for "to the east." Priests face East when they celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The priest faces the altar (generally positioned so he faces eastward) out of respect for the Living God.
BVM: The Blessed Virgin Mary.
B16/BXVI: Joseph Ratzinger, who took the name Benedict XVI when he assumed the Conciliar papacy.
CCC: The so-called "Catechism of the Catholic Church." More accurately, the acronym represents the "Catechism of the Conciliar Church."
CDF: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an office in the Conciliar Church. The Catholic Church has known this office by several names, most recently the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office from the reign of St. Pius X onward.
CIC: Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law). May refer either to the 1917 Code under Benedict XV (sometimes dubbed the "Pio-Benedictine Code," as the project to compile it began during the pontificate of St. Pius X), or "new code" of 1983 (although that would more accurately be referred to as the Conciliar, Novus Ordo CIC).
CITH: Communion in the Hand. The irreverent receiving of the Sacred Host in the hand by a lay person.
CMRI: Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae. Sedevacantist traditional congregation whose orders derive from + + Ngo Dinh Thuc.
COTT: Communion on the Tongue. Refers to the proper and reverent way to receive the Sacred Species (communicant kneels if able).
D[#]: A citation from the 1950s edition (unless otherwise noted) of Denzinger, the # not a page reference but a specific primary document or paragraph of such so enumerated within the book.
DA: Divino Afflatu, the Apostolic Constitution of Pius X which reformed the Roman Breviary.
dCM: +de Castro Mayer of the diocese of Campos, Brazil. Co-consecrator with + + Lefebvre in Econe, Switzerland, in 1988 of four bishops for the SSPX.
DENZ: Short for "Denzinger," a reference to an edition of the Enchiridion Symbolorum originally compiled by Heinrich Denzinger known in the English-speaking world by the title The Sources of Catholic Dogma.
DH: Dignitatis Humanae, an heretical V2 document which taught the insane doctrine of religious liberty.
DL: Divine Liturgy, the term by which liturgies of Eastern Catholic Rites and the Orthodox are known.
DO: The Divine Office, recited from books called Breviaries. All priests are obliged to recite the Office unless granted special dispensation their respective ordinary.
DR/DRB: Douay-Rheims Bible. The mid-18th century revision of this English translation of Holy Scripture by Bishop Challoner is the most popular version of the Bible among English-speaking Trads.
DV: Dei Verbum. Another heretical document from V2, taught that the Church does not yet contain the fullness of truth.
EC: "Eleison Comments," a weekly subscription-based newsletter published by +Williamson.
ED: Ecclesiastical Dysfunction. Just kidding. Ecclesia Dei Commission, the arm of the Conciliar Church which organizes and "promotes" the True Mass in its own backhanded ways.
EMHC: "Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion." A lay person who distributes Holy Communion. An extreme rarity prior to V2, they are the norm at most Novus Ordo services -- to such an extent they may be considered a Conciliarist innovation.
FSSP: Fraternal Society of St. Peter, an indult group of priests which splintered from the SSPX in 1988 in the wake of the Econe consecrations. Wished to be united to modernist Rome. Mostly populated by Conciliarist presbyters now.
GL/G-L: Thomistic theologian and holy priest, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange.
GdL: +Guerard des Lauriers. Responsible for the so-called "Cassiciacum thesis" or "sedeprivationist" position which is generally summarized as papa materialiter, non formaliter -- or, "pope materially, not formally." Often mistakenly viewed as a middle-ground between sedeplenism and sedevacantism, it is properly understood as a variation of sedevacantism.
H.E.: "His Excellency" (e.g., H.E. Williamson).
ICEL: International Commison on English in the Liturgy. The Conciliarist organization responsible for approving the English translations of the Novus Ordo Liturgy.
ICK/ICKSP: Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Indult group of Conciliarist presbyters.
J23/JXXIII: Angelo Roncalli, took the name John XXIII after the conclave of 1958 announced him pope. Convoked V2. Sedevacantists dispute among themselves whether or not Roncalli was ever pope to begin with, if he possibly fell from office, or if he was an entirely valid pontiff from his (unusual) election until his death.
JP1/JPI: Albino Luciani, took the name John Paul I when he assumed the Conciliar papacy. Probably murdered.
JP2/JPII: Karol Wojtyla, took the name of John Paul II when he assumed the Conciliar papacy. During his tenure as head of the Conciliar religion, JP2 engaged in animist worship, kissed the Koran, prayed John the Baptist to protect the Mohameddan sect, allowed idols to be perched on Catholic altars for veneration by members of false religions, promulgated a CIC which permits sacrilege, promulgated the CCC which contains heresy, excommunicated ABL and dCM as well as the four bishops they had consecrated for the SSPX, and knowingly gave Communion to a man he knew to be a Lutheran. JP2 is set to be canonized by the Conciliar pope, Francis, in 2014.
LG: Lumen Gentium, an heretical V2 document which taught, among other things, that the Catholic Church merely "subsists in" the Church of Christ.
LOTH: Liturgy of the Hours, the book of prayers which replaced the Divine Office in the Conciliar Church. Infamous for omitting "imprecatory" Psalms.
NO/NOM: The former, depending upon context, may refer simply to Novus Ordo ("New Order," in this case synonymous with Conciliar, as in "NO Church," "NO pope," etc.) or specifically to the Novus Ordo Missae ("The New Order of Mass," as in "Should a Catholic attend the NO? Of course not!"); whereas the latter refers exclusively to Novus Ordo Missae.
NREC: New Rite of Episcopal Consecration, created by the Conciliar Church and implemented as early as 1968. The validity of the NREC is disputed among Traditionalists.
NSSPX/XSPX: "The New/Neo SSPX," refers to the modern SSPX under +Fellay, which has shown an ardent desire to be united to modernist Rome and taken certain steps (branding, expulsion of priests and a bishop) to ensure this end. XSPX seems to be a clever innovation of Fr Chazal, obviously indicated that this group is "ex" SSPX.
P6/PVI: Giovanni Battista Montini, took the name Paul VI when he assumed the Conciliar Papacy. See Fr. Luigi Villa's book Paul VI Beatified? for more information.
SGG: Saint Gertrude the Great Church, a sedevacantist chapel and associated priests at other locations headed by former SSPV/SSPX priests Frs. Anthony Cekada, Daniel Dolan, and Donald Sanborn, the latter two having received episcopal consecration from episcopi vaganti of Thuc lineage.
SP: this can have one of two meanings depending upon context. The older usage meant "sedeplenism/-ist," the belief (or one who believes that) the papal throne ("sede") is validly occupied ("plena") by a true pope; the term came into usage to distinguish from "sedevacantism/-ist." The more recent usage of "SP" refers to Summorum Pontificum, a Conciliar motu proprio issued by Benedict XVI in 2007 which purportedly authorizes any Conciliar priest to use the Roman Missal of 1962.
SJ: Society of Judas. The group of priests attached to the Conciliar Church known formally as "The Society of Jesus"; the majority of its members have espoused heresy for the past ~50 years.
SSJV: Society of Saint Jean Vianney (officially in English "Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney"), the group of Traditionalist priests formerly under the auspices of +de Castro Mayer in Campos, Brazil, who joined the Conciliar Church in 2002.
SSPV: Society of St Pius V, a traditionalist Catholic group headed by + Clarence Kelly which splintered off of the SSPX in 1983. + Kelly's episcopal orders derive from +Alfredo Mendez.
SSPX/FSSPX: Society of St Pius X. Worldwide traditionalist group began by + + Marcel Lefebvre.
SSPX-MC/SSPX-SO: Refers to “The Resistance,” i.e., those SSPX chapel goers, priests, and bishop who are not content with the modernist direction of the NSSPX. These acronyms represent SSPX-Marian Corps and SSPX-Strict Observance, respectively.
SV: Sedevacantism/ist. Refers to the belief (or one who believes that) the papal throne ("sede") is currently vacant ("vacante"); or, put another way, that the popes of the Conciliar Church are not true popes of the Catholic Church.
TLM: Traditional Latin Mass. Also may be referred to as the Mass of St Pius V, the Tridentine Mass, the Roman Mass, the True Mass. The acronym is also used by many Traditionalists to refer to Masses said using the Roman Missal as revised in 1962 under Angelo Roncalli, aka John XXIII, which is rubrically distinct from the Missal as codified by St. Pius V; use of the 1962 Missal by Traditional clergy is somewhat controversial.
TO: Third Order. Lay members of religious orders.
WOHH: Work of Human Hands, a 2010 publication by Fr. Anthony Cekada descriptively subtitled as "A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI." Notable for having achieved some notoriety in both Trad and Conciliar scholarly circles.
V1/VI: The ecumenical council that convened in the Vatican 1869-1870 which most notably taught the mechanics of papal infallibility.
V2/VII: Vatican II, a robber council that convened 1962-1965 in which modernists succeeded in usurping the physical institutions of the Catholic Church and enshrining heresy in documents which became cornerstones of their new human-centric religion. V2 may also be used as an adjective, e.g., V2 Church, V2 priests, V2 doctrine, etc.
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