Thursday, January 16, 2014


Feast of St. Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr

On the Our Lady's Resistance webpage Is the true Vicar of Christ in Portugal? an apparently new theory of papal occupancy has been advanced.  To wit:

Taking as true that Giuseppe Cardinal Siri was elected pope (Gregory XVII) in the 1958 conclave and Roncalli "elected" as a de facto anti-pope (John XXIII)afterward (the so-called "Siri Thesis"); further believing Cardinal Siri to have confirmed in private his belief in his own perduring papacy; further that Cardinal Siri took steps to ensure the continuity of the Petrine office (i.e. appointed cardinals) prior to his death; finally that a person has been elected by said cardinals and lives in Portugal, per Fatimist conclusions.

Such is the content of the new theory which we may label "sedeportuplenism" (the seat is occupied in Portugal) after the tradition of "sedeplenism" (the seat is occupied), "sedevacantism" (the seat is vacant), "sedeprivationism" (the so-called Thesis of Cassiciacum), and the recently developed "sedebenediciplenism" (the seat is occupied by Benedict XVI).  As a permutation of the Siri Thesis, we may say that all sedeportuplenists adhere to the Siri Thesis, but not everyone who adheres to the Siri Thesis is a sedeportuplenist.

More to follow.


  1. sedeportuplenism = a form of conclavism, nay?

    1. I think not, since, such as it is, sedeportuplenism posits a living pope. No need for a conclave :)

  2. Good grief enough with these terms! We are catholics who deny the invalid Vatican 2 council!

    1. Perhaps it is an over-distinction, but in a confusing time, labels can be helpful if for no other reason than to articulate a position in a short and brief period of time. Do you hold to the hidden pope in Portugal theory?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. That's "Fatimist" propaganda. Please see
      to see the inevitable consequence of when apostate Rome crossed that fine line between the hyperdulia due to the TheoTokos and the dulia due to the Angels and the other Saints and their ReLics and Sacred Icons vs Mariolatry, necrolatry, and Iconolatry in the 13th century and turned the corner with the "CoReDempTrix"/"CoMediaTrix" heresy in the 19th century manifested by the (real) fruits of "Fatima". Please see
      which totally debunk "Fatima". Michael Bizzaro did a better refutation than Richard Joseph Michael Ibranyi.
